Tunneling data on MgB1.8C0.2 show a reduction in the energy gap of the π-bands by a factor of two from undoped MgB2 that is consistent with the Tc reduction, but inconsistent with the expectations of the dirty limit. Dirty-limit theory for undoped MgB2 predicts a single gap about three times larger than measured and a reduced Tc comparable to that measured. Our heavilydoped samples exhibit a uniform dispersion of C suggestive of significantly enhanced scattering, and we conclude that the retention of two-band superconductivity in these samples is caused by a selective suppression of interband scattering. The simple binary compound, MgB 2 , 1 appears to be an elegant example of a two-band superconductor with a high T c of 39 K, in which superconductivity due to strong electron-phonon coupling in the two-dimensional (2D) σ-bands is induced into the 3D π-bands by a combination of interband electron-phonon coupling and weak interband quasiparticle scattering. Several key signatures of this include the closing of two energy gaps 2,3,4,5,6,7 at the same T c , anomalous features in the specific heat and its field dependence 8 and the direct observation of interband scattering in the tunneling spectrum. 2