“…Warm adapted populations were able to activate a suite of physiological and molecular mechanisms to tolerate simulated heatwave exposures (Marín‐Guirao, Entrambasaguas, Dattolo, Ruiz, & Procaccini, ; Marín‐Guirao, Ruiz, Dattolo, Garcia‐Muñoz, & Procaccini, ; Tutar, Marín‐Guirao, Ruiz, & Procaccini, ). Cold‐adapted plants, instead, showed clear physiological symptoms of heat stress and reduced fitness (Beca‐Carretero et al, ; Marín‐Guirao et al, ), which might point to a greater risk of local extinction. Nevertheless, plants from northern latitudes massively bloomed after a long lasting simulated heatwave exposure (Ruiz et al, ), suggesting a plastic life‐history response to warming that could provide the species with an opportunity to adapt to increasing threats associated to climate change (Hedhly, Hormaza, & Herrero, ).…”