The encapsulation of graphite-type carbon wires in the regular, 3-nanometer-wide hexagonal channels of the mesoporous host MCM-41 is reported. Acrylonitrile monomers are introduced through vapor or solution transfer and polymerized in the channels with external radical initiators. Pyrolysis of the intrachannel polyacrylonitrile results in filaments whose microwave conductivity is about 10 times that of bulk carbonized polyacrylonitrile. The MCM host plays a key role in ordering the carbon structure, most likely through the parallel alignment of the precursor polymer chains in the channels. The fabrication of stable carbon filaments in ordered, nanometer-sized channels represents an important step toward the development of nanometer electronics.Intensive efforts under way to increase computing speed and storage density in information processing could culminate in the design of nanometer-sized, moleculebased electronic devices (1). One major challenge in this context is to achieve communication with individual nanometersized structures or molecules. Encapsulation of conducting structures in ordered, insulating host systems is a promising approach toward controlled electronic access to individual nanometer-sized objects.We have used the well-defined subnanometer-sized channels of zeolites as hosts for several different conjugated polymers such as polypyrrole, but the small diameter of these channels appears to inhibit significant conductivity (2, 3). Con (Fig. 1). This loading corresponds well with the saturation expected from the pore volume (0.64 ml/g), obtained from nitrogen absorption isotherms.For polymerization, sample AC-MCM was mixed with distilled water under nitrogen (typically 1.00 g with 20 ml of water).The temperature was raised to 40°C, and then 20 mg of K2S208 and 10 mg of NaHSO3 were added as radical initiators. The mixture was stirred for 20 hours at 40°C, and the resulting white solid (PAN-MCM) was washed with water and then evacuated.