This paper demonstrates a comprehensive SWOT analysis of PepsiCo, which is one of the most prominent beverage companies in the world. SWOT analysis is a strategic tool to profile an organization from four aspects: strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. The paper aims to present PepsiCo's current situation in the market with more clarity, including financial statement analysis and competitive factors. The financial statements include total revenue, gross profit, total cost, total assets from 2019-2022, as well as calculations of growth rate of gross profit, growth rate of total cost, cash proportion, accounts receivable proportion, total liability proportion. Based on the analysis, several recommendations are proposed for PepsiCo. The suggestions are consisted of regional strategies, emerging markets and technologies, new regulations and risk aversion. The findings of this study contribute to the strategic decision-making process for PepsiCo and provide insights into the company's position within the food and beverage industry. The SWOT analysis serves as a valuable tool for identifying strengths to capitalize on, weaknesses to address, opportunities to exploit, and threats to mitigate. By aligning its strategies with the findings of this analysis, PepsiCo can enhance its competitive position and achieve sustainable growth in the global market.