A useful concept in plant metabolism is the photosynthetic quotient, defined as mol of oxygen (O 2 ) produced per mol of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) assimilated. For production of carbohydrates, the photosynthetic quotient is 1.0, which is identical to the inverse processes, respiration (Falkowski & Raven, 1997). This fundamental equivalence drives the inverse relationship between dissolved oxygen (DO) and dissolved inorganic carbon (C T ) observed in the productive coastal ocean, although it may be modified by a wide range of processes and factors (e.g., Merlivat et al., 2015;Thomas, 2002).Well ventilated-macronutrient rich-oceanic sub-Antarctic Surface Water, that floods the inner basins of the Patagonian archipelago, has O 2 and CO 2 levels near the ones expected by equilibration with the atmosphere (Carter et al., 2009;Sarmiento et al., 2004;Torres et al., 2011). Therefore, intense spring primary productivity within inner waters tend to drop pCO 2 far below the atmospheric levels, while increasing DO above its saturation level. Conversely, V2018′s Figure 4b, for the Strait of Magellan and connected fjords shows seawater supersaturated in DO (negative Apparent Oxygen Utilization, AOU) together with pCO 2 levels often higher than atmospheric pCO 2 (Figure 1a).Re-calculated pCO 2 from reported pH and A T measurements using V2018′s original data (Vargas et al., 2018) and methodology (an example of re-calculated pCO 2 in given Table S1, Supporting Information), produced negative AOU corresponding with CO 2 undersaturation (Figure 1b), that better corresponds with results previously reported for this region (Torres et al., 2011; herein T2011). In order to identify the source of V2018′s carbonate system miscalculation, we utilize the data provided by V2018 (Vargas et al., 2018) to calculate the difference between (a) the pH calculated from A T -measured and C T -calculated pairs and (b) the pH derived from direct measurements. The mean difference (ca. 0.1 ± 0.002 pH units) were of the order of the differences between settings for NBS versus Total pH scales (∼0.1 pH units [Millero, 1979]). Therefore,