It was examined whether biofilm growth on dissolved organic matter (DOM) of a three-species consortium whose members synergistically degrade the phenylurea herbicide linuron affected the consortium's integrity and subsequent linuron-degrading functionality. Citrate as a model DOM and three environmental DOM (eDOM) formulations of different quality were used. Biofilms developed with all DOM formulations, and the three species were retained in the biofilm. However, biofilm biomass, species composition, architecture, and colocalization of member strains depended on DOM and its biodegradability. To assess the linuron-degrading functionality, biofilms were subsequently irrigated with linuron at 10 mg liter ؊1 or 100 g liter ؊1 . Instant linuron degradation, the time needed to attain maximal linuron degradation, and hence the total amount of linuron removed depended on both the DOM used for growth and the linuron concentration. At 10 mg liter ؊1 , the final linuron degradation efficiency was as high as previously observed without DOM except for biofilms fed with humic acids which did not degrade linuron. At 100 g liter ؊1 linuron, DOM-grown biofilms degraded linuron less efficiently than biofilms receiving 10 mg liter ؊1 linuron. The amount of linuron removed was more correlated with biofilm species composition than with biomass or structure. Based on visual observations, colocalization of consortium members in biofilms after the DOM feed appears essential for instant linurondegrading activity and might explain the differences in overall linuron degradation. The data show that DOM quality determines biofilm structure and composition of the pesticide-degrading consortium in periods with DOM as the main carbon source and can affect subsequent pesticide-degrading activity, especially at micropollutant concentrations. P esticides are applied worldwide in agriculture to ensure food production and safety but form a threat as contaminants in soil, groundwater, and surface water. Biodegradation is an important process in the attenuation of pollution by pesticides. For some pesticides, bacteria containing specialized metabolic pathways for mineralization and usage of the pesticides as the sole carbon and energy source have been identified (1, 2). Pesticide mineralization is achieved by either single strains or mixed-species consortia. In the latter, pesticides are converted to mineral components through synergistic metabolic interactions between the members (3, 4). Often such synergistic interactions manifest themselves in the formation of mixed-species aggregates and biofilms in suspended cultures and on solid surfaces, respectively (5, 6).In the environment, pesticides form an unreliable carbon source with concentrations that show large temporal and spatial variability (7) and that are often in the micropollutant range, i.e., in the picogram liter Ϫ1 and microgram liter Ϫ1 range (8). Instead, natural dissolved organic matter (DOM) provides the most important carbon and energy source for heterotrophic bacteria (9-11). This im...