Over 3,000 m of Upper Cretaceous‐Lower Palaeocene sediments belonging to the Tarbur Formation were studied in seven stratigraphic sections around Shiraz city (south Zagros Basin, SW of Iran). The Tarbur Formation is divided into two informal lithostratigraphic units: a lower well‐bedded rudist limestone and an upper massive rudist limestone. Both units comprise rudist particles as a major organo‐detrital component. Microscopic studies have identified the presence of the following carbonate microfacies types in the Tarbur Formation: rudist orbitoid wackestone, miliolid algal‐bioclast wackestone, rudist packstone, rudist orbitoid packstone, rudist intraclast miliolid packstone, rudist‐agglutinated foraminifer grainstone, orbitoid rudist grainstone, rudist‐hyaline foraminifer‐intraclast grainstone, rudist boundstone and coral boundstone, which are attributed to shallow water lagoon, bar and fore‐reef palaeoenvironments. The rudist fragments co‐existed with a Campanian/Maastrichtian foraminiferal assemblage. The stratigraphic distribution of the investigated microfacies was affected by vertical displacement of studied area basement faults.