Reinforced concrete is the most widely used construction material in the world. The combination of high compressive strength, afforded by concrete and, and the excellent mechanical properties that characterise steel make it an ideal composite for all manner of structures. One of the main weaknesses of this material, however, is that when the concrete is exposed to aggressive environments, in particular high concentrations of chloride ions or carbon dioxide, reinforcing steel corrodes, shortening service life. This article reviews the state of the art on concrete durability, along with the conditions that affect its useful life by inducing reinforcing steel corrosion. It also discusses the prevention and control methods, in particular electrochemical prevention and rehabilitation techniques, that have been developed to mitigate the problem.Keywords: reinforced concrete; steel corrosion; mineral additions; electrochemical rehabilitation.
RESUMENEl hormigón armado se ha convertido en el material más utilizado a nivel mundial en el sector de la construcción. La combinación de las altas prestaciones a resistencia a la compresión que ofrece el hormigón y las excelentes propiedades mecánicas del acero lo hacen el material compuesto ideal para aplicaciones estructurales. Sin embargo, uno de los mayores problemas que afecta la vida útil del hormigón es la corrosión del acero de refuerzo, la cual se presenta cuando el hormigón se encuentra expuesto a ambientes agresivos, en especial frente a la exposición a iones cloruros y/o dióxido de carbono. Este trabajo revisa el estado del conocimiento con respecto a la durabilidad del hormigón enfatizando en los fenóme-nos que afectan su durabilidad y generan la corrosión del acero de refuerzo, adicionalmente se incluyen los métodos de prevención y control que se han desarrollado para mitigar el problema, en particular los relacionados con las técnicas electroquímicas de prevención y rehabilitación.
INTRODUCTIONVersatility and low cost have made concrete one of the world's most popular construction materials (1, 2). This ceramic material is characterised by high compressive strength, although it is prone to cracking under other types of mechanical stress such as bending and tensile forces, torque and shear. That weakness led to the advent of reinforced concrete, a combination of concrete and structural steel widely used to build bridges, buildings in general and skyscrapers in particular, tunnels and a host of other structures. One of the most important features of concrete, in addition to its mechanical properties, is its durability, which is associated with the inservice life of structures exposed to certain conditions or environments (3, 4). More specifically, reinforcing steel corrosion has been identified as the main weakness of reinforced concrete (5). This paper discusses the main types of concrete deterioration, including the processes that contribute to steel corrosion, and the respective prevention and control methods, such as the use of inhibitors and coatings, ...