ϩ ions and CO2 on hypoxic sensitivity in humans. We also examined whether hypoxic sensitivity, conventionally defined as the ratio of (hypoxic Ϫ normoxic) ventilation over (hypoxic Ϫ normoxic) Hb oxygen saturation can also be estimated by taking the ratio (hypoxic Ϫ normoxic) ventilation over (logPa O 2 hypoxia Ϫ logPa O 2 normoxia), enabling one to measure the hypoxic response independently from potential confounding influences of changes in position of the Hb oxygen saturation curve. We used acetazolamide to induce a metabolic acidosis. To determine the acute hypoxic response (AHR), we performed step decreases in end-tidal PO2 to ϳ50 Torr lasting 5 min each at three different constant end-tidal PCO2 levels. Nine subjects ingested 250 mg of acetazolamide or placebo every 8 h for 3 days in a randomized double-blind crossover design. The metabolic acidosis was accompanied by a rise in ventilation, a substantial fall in Pa CO 2 , and a parallel leftward shift of the ventilatory CO 2 response curve. In placebo, CO2 induced equal relative increases in hypoxic sensitivity (O 2-CO2 interaction) regardless of the way it was defined. Acetazolamide shifted the response line representing the relationship between hypoxic sensitivity and arteriala without altering its slope, indicating that it did not affect the O2-CO2 interaction. So, in contrast to an earlier belief, CO2 and H ϩ have separate effects on hypoxic sensitivity. This was also supported by the finding that infusion of bicarbonate caused a leftward shift of the hypoxic sensitivity-[H ϩ ]a response lines in placebo and acetazolamide. A specific inhibitory effect of acetazolamide on hypoxic sensitivity was not demonstrated. hypoxic sensitivity; O2-CO2 interaction; hydrogen ions; CO2 THE HYPOXIC VENTILATORY RESPONSE in humans is biphasic and consists of an initial rise in ventilation initiated by the carotid bodies followed by a secondary roll-off, usually designated as hypoxic ventilatory decline (HVD) (8,13,16,25). The magnitude of this decline is proportionally related to the initial rise in ventilation in response to acute hypoxia and thus also to the intensity of the hypoxic stimulus (8,18,25). Measurement of the ventilatory response to hypoxia without the "confounding" influence of HVD is possible by exposing subjects to brief step-wise changes in end-tidal PO 2 lasting 3-5 min, a period too short for HVD to develop. Consequently, the ventilatory response to such an acute hypoxic challenge (the acute hypoxic response, AHR) is attributed to the peripheral chemoreceptors in the carotid bodies. The magnitude of the AHR can be influenced by many factors such as the background arterial PCO 2 . A rise in Pa CO 2 augments the AHR, and this is known as multiplicative O 2 -CO 2 interaction (6, 7, 10). This phenomenon is thought to reside in the carotid bodies (15,22,26), but its mechanism at the molecular level in oxygen-sensitive type I cells remains to be elucidated (29). A rise in Pa CO 2 not only leads to extracellular acidosis (acidemia) but also to increases in ...