(CO 2 / H 2 O B H / / HCO 0 3 ). At present, seven isoenzymes Alkaline hepatic bile is acidified in the gallbladder to differing in their tissue distribution and enzymatic activity prevent calcium precipitation and gallstone formation.have been identified from mammals. These include cytoBecause membrane-bound carbonic anhydrase (CA) isoplasmic CAs I, II, and III 11 ; membrane-associated CA IV 12-14 ; enzyme IV participates with cytoplasmic CA II in the mitochondrial CA V 15,16 ; and a secretory isoenzyme CA VI. 17,18 acidification of urine in the kidney, we studied its ex-The most recently identified isoenzyme CA IX, originally despression in different regions of the human biliary tract ignated MN protein, has been detected in the human gastric using immunohistochemical techniques. The enzyme mucosa. 19 was expressed in the apical plasma membrane of the Cytoplasmic, high-activity CA II is present in the gallbladgallbladder epithelial cells and in the endothelium of der epithelium, where it has been linked to the concentration the subepithelial capillaries. In the liver, some epithelial and acidification of alkaline hepatic bile. 20,21 The membranecells of the large bile ducts showed positive staining. Its associated CA IV might also be involved in these processes presence in the gallbladder epithelium could be conbecause it participates in urinary acidification in the kidney firmed by Western blotting, which showed a single 35-kd and epididymal fluid acidification in the epididymal ducts. 22-24 polypeptide band, corresponding in molecular weight to Earlier histochemical studies also suggested that a memthe intact enzyme. The majority of the enzyme was brane-associated CA is expressed in the gallbladder epithephased to Triton X-114 detergent phase. A small amount lium. 25 To achieve a more comprehensive view of the bile of 35-kd polypeptide was also seen in the water phase.acidification process, we studied the expression of CA IV in Smaller proteolytic fragments of the enzyme were not the human bile tract epithelium by immunohistochemistry.
1108.)staining, the liver specimens and the gallbladder specimens from different regions were immersion-fixed in 4% neutral-buffered formaldehyde for 18 hours and washed in 20% sucrose in phosphate-A number of studies have shown that gallstone formation buffered saline (PBS) for 24 hours. They were then frozen in liquid in humans is a multifactorial phenomenon. 1-4 Calcium salts, nitrogen, stored at 080ЊC, and cut at 8 mm (Cryo-Cut Microtome; the major components of pigment gallstones, 5 are also found American Optical Corporation, Buffalo, NY). For immunoperoxidase in the central nidus region of all cholesterol stones. 5,6 The staining, the formaldehyde-fixed specimens were dehydrated, emmost abundant biliary calcium salt is calcium carbonate, 7,8 bedded in paraffin in a vacuum oven at 58ЊC, and sectioned at 5 mm. which is precipitated when the bicarbonate concentration inAntisera and Immunohistochemical Methods. Polyclonal rabbit antiserum to human recombinant CA IV was u...