“…Zarcasaurus tandyderus Brinkman, Berman, and Eberth, 1984, is known by a partial, incomplete skeleton from the upper portion of the El Cobre Canyon Formation, Cutler Group, Arroyo del Agua, New Mexico. It is confined biostratigraphically to the Coyotean Land Vertebrate Faunachron, which likely spans the Virgilian-Wolfcampian stages (correlative with Gzhelian-Sakmarian global stages) and, therefore, straddles the Carboniferous-Permian boundary (Lucas 2005). The most recently described araeoscelidian is Spinoaequalis schultzei deBraga and Reisz, 1995, which is based on a single immature specimen from the Calhoun Shale, Shawnee Group, Upper Pennsylvanian, Virgilian (correlative with the Gzhelian global stage) Hamilton Quarry, Kansas.…”