The deprotonated Tyr-280 must be reprotonated later on in the catalytic cycle to serve as a proton donor for the next oxygen reduction event. To find the reaction step at which the crosslinked Tyr-280 becomes reprotonated, all further steps of the catalytic cycle after O-O bond cleavage were followed by infrared spectroscopy. We found that complete reprotonation of the tyrosine is linked to the formation of the one-electron reduced state coupled to reduction of the Cu B site.Cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) 3 contains four metallic redox centers: Cu A , heme a, heme a 3 , and Cu B . heme a 3 and Cu B form a binuclear active site of O 2 binding and processing. The free energy of the reduction of O 2 is used by CcO for proton translocation across the mitochondrial or bacterial membrane, thus generating a transmembrane electrochemical proton gradient (1). During one catalytic turnover, CcO pumps four protons and takes up four more protons for the oxygen reduction chemistry. The proton uptake for both pumping and chemistry is accomplished via two proton-conducting channels: the D-and K-channels (see for example Ref. 2).Catalysis by CcO is initiated by binding of an oxygen molecule to heme a 3 when both redox centers of the binuclear active site are reduced. Oxygen binding leads to the formation of the first compound of the catalytic cycle, the ferrous-oxygen adduct, or compound A (3-6). For the intermediates of the catalytic cycle, their sequence, and corresponding structures, see Fig. 7.The next reaction in catalysis is scission of the O-O bond, which requires delivery of four electrons and a proton to dioxygen. Thus, the so-called peroxy intermediate (P) is formed, in which heme a 3 is in the ferryl state (7,8) and Cu B is cupric (9). Two electrons are provided by heme a 3 and one by Cu B . The source of the fourth electron depends on the initial reduction state of CcO. In the case of the fully reduced enzyme, where all four redox centers are reduced, the fourth electron is extracted from heme a (6, 10); in this case, the so-called P R species is formed (9). In the case of the mixed valence enzyme, where only heme a 3 and Cu B are initially reduced but Cu A and heme a are oxidized, the fourth electron is extracted from a nearby residue, most likely 12) that is located in close proximity to the binuclear center, at a distance of ϳ6 Å. This state of the binuclear center has been called P M . The source of the proton for O-O bond scission is in both cases (fully reduced and mixed valence enzyme) likely to be the same residue, viz. Tyr-280. Tyr-280 has a covalent cross-link to one of the His ligands of Cu B , namely 14). The cross-link should lower the pK a of the tyrosine (15), thus facilitating proton donation. The role of Tyr-280 in O-O bond rupture was first predicted from the crystal structure (13, 16) and further supported by radioactive labeling experiments (11), as more recently verified by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy (12) alone and in combination with electrometry (17).The aim of this work was to...