The active center of Chlamydia trachomatis (Ct) ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) has been studied using B3LYP hybrid density functional theory. Class Ic Ct RNR lacks the radical-bearing tyrosine that is crucial for activity in conventional class I (subclass a and b) RNR. Instead of the Fe(III)Fe(III)Tyr(rad) active state in conventional class I, Ct RNR has Mn(IV)Fe(III) at the metal center of subunit II. Based on calculated (H(+), e(-))-binding energies for Ct R2, iron-substituted Ct R2, and R2 from Escherichia coli (Ec), an explanation is proposed for why the enzyme needs this novel metal center. Mn(IV) is shown to be an equally strong oxidant as the tyrosyl radical in Ec R2. Fe(IV), however, is a much too strong oxidant and would therefore not be possible in the active cofactor. The structure of the catalytic center of the active state, such as protonation state and position of Mn, is discussed. Ct R2 has a different ligand structure than conventional class I R2 with a fourth Glu (like MMO) instead of three Glu and one Asp. Calculations indicate that, in the presence of Tyr, Glu at this position is less flexible than Asp, whereas with Phe both Glu and Asp are equally flexible. This may be a reason why conventional class I RNR has an Asp, while Ct R2, lacking the tyrosine, has a Glu.