Many enzymes, hormones, and other physiologically active proteins are synthesized as inactive precursors (zymogens) that are subsequently converted to the active form by the selective enzymatic cleavage (limited proteolysis) of peptide bonds. The ultimate agency of activating enzymatic function is limited proteolysis, either in a single activation step or in a consecutive series (cascade). The specificity of each activation reaction is determined by the complementarity of the zymogen substrate and the active site of the attacking protease. The sequence of consecutive activation reactions is regulated by the specificity of each enzyme, whereas the degree of amplification of the initial stimulus is determined by the efficiency of each activating step.Zymogen activation produces a prompt and irreversible response to a physiological stimulus, and is capable of initiating new physiological functions. Typical examples are the processes of blood coagulation, fibrinolysis, complement activation, hormone production, metamorphosis, rtilization, supramolecular assembly, and digestion. The zymogens of the pancreatic serine proteases, in particular, have served as models for detailed studies of the nature of the molecular changes that are involved in the dramatic increase in enzymatic activity that ensues upon limited proteolysis of the zymogen. In recent years, it has become evident that many proteins are synthesized as inactive precursors or zymogens and that these are subsequently converted to physiologically active forms by the selective enzymatic cleavage of peptide bonds. This process is known as zymogen activation, a term which initially was applied to the activation of precursors of proteolytic enzymes such as trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, or procarboxypeptidase (1). It is now apparent that the same type of reaction is involved in a great variety of biological processes, such as blood coagulation, fibrinolysis, complement reaction, hormone production, development, differentiation, and supramolecular assembly, all of which involve zymogen activation in one or more steps (2-9). In the present article, we shall attempt to show that activation by limited proteolysis is indeed an important control element which can initiate new physiological functions or regulate preexistent ones.Virtually all zymogen activation reactions require the en- The position of zymogen activation in the overall scheme of physiological control processes is diagrammatically shown in Fig.