We present a case report of a 35 year-old male without any relevant former pathology admitted to the emergency room with atypical chest pain, cough and sputum with ECG changes suggesting pericarditis. He was initially admitted to the cardiology ward and experienced clinical improvement after initiating anti- inflammatory treatment. As intercurrence he had bacterial origin pneumonia complicated by pleural effusion (PE). After discharge patient was referred to a pulmonology appointment where aetiological investigation of the PE was instigated. Investigation revealed changes in the cardiac cavities and multiple lung nodules, suggesting subacute endocarditis with septic pulmonary embolism. Admitted to the pulmonology unit patient underwent videothoracsopy which diagnosed cardiac angiosarcoma with pulmonary metastisation. Within a few days there was a rapid evolution of the clinical picture, with cardiac failure and death of the patient without radiotherapy or adjuvant chemotherapy being started.