ABSTRACT.-Pellegrino A., Yamaki F.L., Pereira R.C., Oliveira V. The Duchenne's muscular dystrophy (DMD) in humans is a X-linked neuromuscular disease, of recessive character, caused either by the absence or dysfunction of the dystrophin. Clinically, it is characterized by severe alteration in the skeletal musculature, resulting in precocious death. In Golden Retriever dogs, the mutation that takes to the muscular dystrophy happens spontaneously and the extensive homology among the pathogenesis of DMD and of Golden Retriever muscular dystrophy allows to qualify the dog as the main substitute of humans in the clinical tests of new therapies. The deficient myocardium in distrofin is more vulnerable to the pressure overload and the patients with DMD can develop dilated cardiomyopathy, arterial hypertension and the electrocardiogram can come distinctly abnormal. In the present study, 38 healthy Golden Retriever dogs were evaluated by electrocardiographic exam with the purpose to obtain parameters for the standardization of the electrocardiogram in the referred breed, what hereafter can serve as reference in the identification of bearer or affected dogs. Electrocardiographic values obtained were within normal values and reference for the various breeds of dogs, and the variables weight and age significantly altered heart rate and amplitude of the QRS complex.