Purpose In this report, a case of right ventricular (RV) failure, hemodynamic instability, and systemic organ failure is described to highlight how paradoxical ventricular systolic septal motion (PVSM), or a rightward systolic displacement of the interventricular septum, may contribute to RV ejection. Clinical features Multiple inotropic medications and vasopressors were administered to treat right heart failure and systemic hypotension in a patient following combined aortic and mitral valve replacement. In the early postoperative period, echocardiographic evaluation revealed adequate left ventricular systolic function, akinesis of the RV myocardial tissues, and PVSM. In the presence of PVSM, RV fractional area of contraction was C35% despite akinesis of the primary RV myocardial walls. The PVSM appeared to contribute toward RV ejection. As a result, the need for multiple inotropes was re-evaluated, in considering that end-organ dysfunction was the result of systemic hypotension and prolonged vasopressor administration. After discontinuation of phosphodiesterase inhibitors, native vascular tone returned and the need for vasopressors declined. This was followed by recovery of systemic organ function. Echocardiographic re-evaluation two years later, revealed persistent akinesis of the RV myocardial tissues and PVSM, the latter appearing to contribute toward RV ejection. Conclusions This case highlights the importance of left to RV interactions, and how PVSM may mediate these hemodynamic interactions.
RésuméObjectif Dans ce compte-rendu, un cas de de´faillance ventriculaire droite (VD), d'instabilite´he´modynamique et de de´faillance organique syste´mique est de´crit afin de souligner la manie`re dont le mouvement systolique paradoxal du septum interventriculaire (PVSM), ou un de´placement systolique de la cloison interventriculaire vers la droite, peut jouer un rôle dans l'e´jection du VD. É léments cliniques De nombreux me´dicaments inotropes et vasopresseurs ont e´te´administre´s pour traiter une de´faillance cardiaque droite ainsi qu'une hypotension syste´mique chez un patient a`la suite d'une chirurgie valvulaire aortique et mitrale combine´e. Au de´but de la pe´riode postope´ratoire, l'e´valuation e´chocardiographique a re´ve´le´une fonction systolique ade´quate du ventricule Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article