Abstract-Whereas angiotensin (Ang) II is the major effector peptide of the renin-angiotensin system, its metabolite, des-aspartyl 1 -Ang II (Ang III), may also have biologic activity. We investigated the effects of renal interstitial (RI) administration of candesartan (CAND), a specific Ang II type 1 receptor (AT 1 ) blocker, with and without coinfusion of PD-123319 (PD), a specific Ang II type 2 receptor (AT 2 ) blocker, on Na ϩ excretion (U Na V) in uninephrectomized rats. We also studied the effects of unilateral RI infusion of Ang II or Ang III on U Na V with and without systemic infusion of CAND with the noninfused kidney as control. In rats receiving normal Na ϩ intake, RI CAND increased U Na V from 0.07Ϯ0.08 to 0.82Ϯ0.17 mol/min (PϽ0.01); this response was abolished by PD. During Na ϩ restriction, CAND increased U Na V from 0.06Ϯ0.02 to 0.1Ϯ0.02 mol/min (PϽ0.05); this response also was blocked by PD. In rats with both kidneys intact, in the absence of CAND, unilateral RI infusion of Ang III did not significantly alter U Na V. However, with systemic CAND infusion, RI Ang III increased U Na V from 0.08Ϯ0.01 mol/min to 0.18Ϯ0.04 mol/min (PϽ0.01) at 3.5 nmol/kg per minute, and U Na V remained elevated throughout the infusion; this response was abolished by PD. However, RI infusion of Ang II did not significantly alter U Na V at any infusion rate (3.5 to 80 nmol/kg per minute) with or without systemic CAND infusion. These results suggest that intrarenal AT 1 receptor blockade engenders natriuresis by activation of AT 2 receptors. AT 2 receptor activation via Ang III, but not via Ang II, mediates the natriuretic response in the presence of systemic AT 1 receptor blockade. Key Words: angiotensin Ⅲ sodium Ⅲ natriuresis Ⅲ angiotensin Ⅲ receptors, angiotensin II A ngiotensin (Ang) II, the primary transducer peptide of the renin-Ang system (RAS), acts at 2 major Ang II receptors, type 1 (AT 1 ) and type 2 (AT 2 ). 1 The majority of Ang II actions are believed to occur via the AT 1 receptor, including antinatriuresis. 2 The role of the AT 2 receptor is less clearly understood. 3 Furthermore, whereas Ang II has been considered the major effector peptide of the RAS, its direct metabolite, des-aspartyl 1 -Ang II (Ang III) also has biologic activity. 4 Indeed, some actions originally attributable to Ang II, such as vasopressin release, are mediated at least in part by Ang III. 5 Recent reports suggest that Ang III could be involved in renal physiological processes as well. 6 -8 Studies involving AT 2 receptors and the regulation of sodium (Na ϩ ) excretion have been limited. In vitro studies have demonstrated that the AT 2 receptor may decrease renal proximal tubule bicarbonate reabsorption via phospholipase A 2 and arachidonic acid release. 9 In vivo studies in mice lacking the AT 2 receptor (AT 2 -null), have demonstrated a shift to the right (less sensitive) in the pressure-natriuresis curve. 10 In addition, antinatriuretic and pressor hypersensitivity to Ang II has been documented in AT 2 -null mice. 11 However, th...