S Sl lo ow w a an nd d f fa as st t c ch ha an ng ge es s i in n t tr ra an ns sm mu ur ra al l p pu ul lm mo on na ar ry y a ar rt te er ry y p pr re es ss su ur re e i in n o ob bs st tr ru uc ct ti iv ve e s sl le ee ep p a ap pn no oe ea a Transmural systolic pulmonary artery pressure (Ppa,STM), oxyhaemoglobin saturation (SaO 2 ) and oesophageal pressure were analysed in two samples of consecutive obstructive apnoeas in each of four patients.In the first samples (samples A; probably recorded during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep), SaO 2 swings were small and repetitive. In the second samples (samples B; probably recorded during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep), they were large and more variable. Oesophageal pressure oscillated similarly in the two groups of samples. In all cases, transmural systolic pulmonary artery pressure progressively increased throughout apnoeas, and subsequently decreased in the interapnoeic periods. However, both early and end-apnoeic transmural systolic pulmonary artery pressure, remained stable in samples A; whilst they progressively increased in samples B. Transmural systolic pulmonary artery pressure at the beginning of each apnoea was inversely correlated with SaO 2 at the end of the preceding apnoea. These results suggest that transmural systolic pulmonary artery pressure is influenced by SaO 2 , but does not vary at the same speed as SaO 2 . In all cases, beat-by-beat analysis showed, as expected, that the lower the oesophageal pressure, the higher the transmural systolic pulmonary artery pressure however, at each oesophageal pressure level, transmural systolic pulmonary artery pressure was more variable and higher, in samples B.In conclusion, transmural systolic pulmonary artery pressure in obstructive apnoeas shows rapid changes, which reflect oesophageal pressure variations, and slower changes, which are likely to be caused by SaO 2 .