Part 1 of this guideline addressed the differential diagnosis of the neurofibromatoses (NF): neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) and schwannomatosis (SCH). NF shares some features such as the genetic origin of the neural tumors and cutaneous manifestations, and affects nearly 80 thousand Brazilians. Increasing scientific knowledge on NF has allowed better clinical management and reduced rate of complications and morbidity, resulting in higher quality of life for NF patients. Most medical doctors are able to perform NF diagnosis, but the wide range of clinical manifestations and the inability to predict the onset or severity of new features, consequences, or complications make NF management a real clinical challenge, requiring the support of different specialists for proper treatment and genetic counseling, especially in NF2 and SCH. The present text suggests guidelines for the clinical management of NF, with emphasis on NF1.Keywords: neurofibromatosis, neurofibromatosis type 1, neurofibromatosis type 2, schwannomatosis, Legius syndrome. resumo A primeira parte desta diretriz abordou o diagnóstico diferencial das neurofibromatoses (NF): neurofibromatose do tipo 1 (NF1), neurofibromatose do tipo 2 (NF2) e schwannomatose (SCH). As NF compartilham algumas características, como a origem neural dos tumores e sinais cutâneos, e afetam cerca de 80 mil brasileiros. O aumento do conhecimento científico sobre as NF tem permitido melhor manejo clínico e redução da morbidade das complicações, resultando em melhor qualidade de vida para os pacientes com NF. A maioria dos médicos é capaz de realizar o diagnóstico das NF, mas a variedade de manifestações clínicas e a dificuldade de se prever o surgimento e a gravidade de complicações, torna o manejo da NF um desafio para o clínico e envolve diferentes especialistas para o tratamento adequado e aconselhamento genético, especialmente a NF2 e a SCH. O presente texto sugere algumas orientações para o acompanhamento dos portadores de NF, com ênfase na NF1.Palavras-chave: neurofibromatoses, neurofibromatose 1, neurofibromatose 2, schwannomatose, síndrome de Legius.
532Arq Neuropsiquiatr 2015;73(6): [531][532][533][534][535][536][537][538][539][540][541][542][543] Part 1 of this guideline addressed differential diagnosis of the neurofibromatoses (NF): neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) and schwannomatosis (SCH) 1 . This second part aims to offer some practical suggestions on the clinical management of NF.NF shares some features, such as the genetic origin of the neural tumors, cutaneous manifestations, heterogeneous phenotype and unpredictable and usually progressive natural course. However, they differ in age of onset, progression of the symptoms and prognosis. Moreover, NF clinical presentation and severity vary among patients and even between twins carrying the same NF gene mutation 2 . The wide range of NF clinical manifestations and the difficulties to predict the onset or the severity of new features, consequences, o...