Background: 30% of all superficial mycoses and 50% of all nail conditions are caused by Onychomycosis. Diabetes mellitus, which is associated with a prevalence of Onychomycosis of 31.5% in these patients, is one of the most researched predisposing variables. Others resist conventional treatments and exhibit "polypharmacy," which increases the danger of drug interactions. Case presentation: We present a 53-year-old female admitted to a tertiary hospital with complaints of blackening of the left 3rd toe since one month; the patient recognize to be in good health one month back. When she experienced pain in left lower limb. Associated with discoloration of the 3rd toe of the left foot. Continuous pain aggravates on standing alone, and walking does not get relieved on resting. Now patient came to the hospital for further management. No complaints of nausea, vomiting, cough, and breathlessness; the patient had known complaints of diabetes mellitus type-2 on medicine Vildagliptin and Metformin, Dabaglifozin 10 mg, metformin since five months, and hypertension on Metoprolol 5mg since five months. No history of angiography documents. Tab. Ecosprin 150 mg OD, Tab.Cliopidogrel 75 mg OD, Tab. Stiloz BD. Required investigations were done. Diagnosis of peripheral vascular disease with gangrene of left third toe with tinea pedis with nail Onychomycosis was made. Patient planned for amputation of the left third toe and avulsion of the great bilateral toe. The patient was operated on for the same. Post-operative proper antibiotics, analgesics, and nutrition support were given. The daily dressing was done. Conclusion: Now, the patient is stable. And being discharged with suture in situated to be reviewed in surgery opd for follow up and suture removal.