Results. The calculated PAR, associated with excess salt intake, for CVD mortality and morbidity was 5% and 7% respectively; for stroke: in mortality -17%, in morbidity -10%. For T2D PAR in the morbidity was ~18%, for stomach cancer -7%. In the top of direct medical costs associated with excess salt intake were CVD expenses (>15 billion rubles), of which >3 billion accounted for by stroke. All direct medical costs in 2016 exceeded 19 billion. The ED associated with the excess salt intake exceeded 160,9 billion rubles in 2016, i. e. 0,19% of the gross domestic product of Russian Federation for the analyzed year. The largest contribution of excess salt intake is in the damage associated with CVD (122,8 billion rubles), where half (68,1 billion rubles) is attributable to the ED associated with stroke. In the structure of the ED of each nosology, excess salt intake cause from 4,5% (CVD in general) to 17% (for T2D) and 16,1% (stroke) of the entire damage. Conclusion. The calculations of ED from CNCD are extremely demanded today; they serve to justify the introduction of population prevention measures in the country, assess and model the effectiveness of such measures in the complex or their components. ВВП -валовый внутренний продукт, ВН -временная нетрудоспособность, ВОЗ -Всемирная организация здравоохранения, ИзбПС -избыточное потребление соли, ОР (RR) -относительный риск (relative risk), ПАР (PAR) -популяционный атрибутивный риск (Population Attributive Risk), СД2 -сахарный диабет 2 типа, ССЗ -сердечнососудистые заболевания, ФР -факторы риска, ХНИЗ -хронические неинфекционные заболевания, ЭУ -экономический ущерб, ЭССЕРФ -Эпидемиология сердечнососудистых заболеваний в различных регионах Российской Федерации.