The Normative model of women's brain drain to their homes is a proposal to study the lives of women with higher level studies and who returned, voluntarily or involuntarily, to take care of household duties. Its design is based on the theories of expulsion-attraction, family-work trajectories, life course, kaleidoscope career model and career limits; they analyze each stage lived from different perspectives. The Normative model of women's brain drain to their homes identify what are the situations that allow women to make the decision to leave their jobs and dedicate themselves to domestic, full-time household chores. In addition to the fact that the labor market is constantly evolving due to technological progress and globalization. With the use of this model, relevant elements were identified as a relevant part of their decision in the different areas of a woman's life (i.e. family, professional, work), as well as their interrelations where governmental, organizational and social actions intermingle to chart the course of women's lives.