The purpose of this predictive correlational study was to describe predictors of quality of life (QoL) for African American women who were caregivers of persons with end stage renal disease (ESRD). Five purposes, derived from a review of literature and conceptual model, guided this study. First, the study described the association between demographic factors (i.e., education, employment, age, marital status), and QoL. Second, the study explored the relationship between stress and QoL. Third, the study described the association between depressive symptoms and QoL. Fourth, the study described the association between family health/ happiness and QoL. Fifth, the study described the extent to which demographic factors, stress, depressive symptoms, and family health/happiness predicted QoL. A secondary analysis of data from 75 African American women derived from a previous study of 120 caregivers of persons receiving either maintenance incenter hemodialysis or home peritoneal dialysis was conducted. Specifically data from the following instruments were included in the current analysis: The Caregiver Demographic Data Form, Quality of Life Index, Family APGAR, Burden Interview, and the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson's r coefficient one-way ANOVA on ranks (Kruskal-Wallis), independent t-test, and backward elimination, forward selection, and step-type multiple regression analysis. The caregivers in this sample rated their QoL as moderate. Caregivers also reported clinically significant depressive symptom scores, little to no stress, and were satisfied with their family health/