The aim of the study was to find out if any of the following factors, alone or in combination, could be used for prediction of caries activity: salivarj' S. mulans, salivary lactobacilli, butler capacity, saliva secretion rate, salivary pH, the amount of plaque and the caries frequency. The patient material consisted of 300 children betvt^een 9 and 12 years old. The increment of caries after 1 and 2 years was compared widi all the above factors registered at baseline. Only the factors caries frequency and S. mutans showed a significant correlation to caries activity. In one of the tests the lactobacillus count approached significance. The combination of high numbers of incipient smooth surface lesions, S. mutans and lactobacilli gave a mean value of caries activity almost three times that of the whole group (8.4 versus 3,1). Different microbial ,and salivary factors review see 32). For selection of children at have been associated with the develop-high risk for caries the previous history of ment of caries. The microbial factors caries (caries frequency) has been used which have been studied most are the (2,14).
numbers of Streptococcus mutans andIn the present study the increment of lactobacilli (for reviews see 7, 21). The cor-caries in schoolchildren has been corresponding salivary factors are the related with the above factors and the aim secretion rate, the pH and the buffer of the investigation was to find out if any capacity (for a review see 22). of the factors, alone or, in combination, The amount of plaque has also been registered once at the start of the study, associated with the caries process (for a was correlated to caries activity, i.e. the