Objective: To assess orthodontist's knowledge about maintenance of oral hygiene in the course of active management in the sub-population performed in Saudi Arabia.Methods: The cross-sectional plan, performed in multiple dental treatment facilities including governmental hospitals and private dental clinics in Abha City, KSA, between November 10, 2019 and December 29, 2019. A total of 500 individuals were selected according to the following inclusion criteria which was male and female during orthodontic treatment patients wearing fixed orthodontic appliances for at least 6 months which aged between 10-30 years. Sample size was calculated through Rao soft software. Data was collected through non probability purposive sampling. The exclusion criteria were uncooperative and unresponsive patients. A structured questionnaire assessed demographic characteristics of patients (age, gender) and orthodontists' knowledge about maintenance of oral hygiene of patients in the course of active management. They evaluated frequency of tooth brushing, tooth paste selection, usage of several fluoride supplements etc. For categorical data, mean and standard deviation were used, descriptive statistics was described as frequency and percentage. Forthe evaluation of association among categorical variables, a Chi-square test was used. Statistically significant p <0.05 was considered significant.Results: About 500 patients participated in this study, 50% females and 50% males. 130 (26%) participants were treated in governmental facilities, while 370 (74%) were treated in private clinics. The association between orthodontists' awareness and orthodontist's age was found statistically significant "p=0.004". Statistically significant correlation among orthodontists' awareness and place of receiving orthodontic treatment "p=0.001" was also found.Conclusion: The orthodontists' knowledge about maintenance of oral hygiene in the course of active management in subpopulation of Saudi Arabia is insufficient in patient's opinion and there is significant association between orthodontist's age and place of treatment.