Quantum thermal engines are receiving much attention in recent years, due to their potential applications.~For a candidate group, harmonically trapped gases under Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC), we see little investigation on the energy transference around that transition.~Therefore, we present an empirical study with rubidium-87 gas samples in a magnetic harmonic trap.~We developed an empirical Equation of State model to fit to our experimental dataset, expressing the pressure parameter ($\mathcal{P}$) in terms of temperature ($T$) and six technical coeffcients ($\{a_i\}_{0,\dots,4}$, $T_\mathrm{th}$), functions of volume parameter ($\mathcal{V}$) and number of atoms ($N$).~For weakly interacting gases, the internal energy is $U\cong3\mathcal{P}\mathcal{V}$, thus we determine the entropy with $U = TS - \mathcal{P}\mathcal{V}$ for fixed $N$.~As expected, we show that the entropy at the BEC transition ($S_c$) is constant for varying $\mathcal{V}$.~Being isentropic makes BEC transition an energy source for non-mechanical work.~Hence, we observed that the enthalpy at the BEC transition $H_c = E_c + \mathcal{P}_c\mathcal{V} = T_cS_c$, at fixed values of $\mathcal{V}$ and varying $N$, grows fairly linearly with $N$.~We fitted $H_c=\eta{N}-H_c^0$ to that data, being $\eta$ the specific enthalpy of BEC transformation and $H_c^0$ an intrinsic enthalpic loss.~We deem this study to be a step closer to practical quantum-based engines.