We have studied the single particle heat engine and refrigerator driven by time asymmetric protocol of finite duration. Our system consists of a particle in a harmonic trap with time-periodic strength that drives the particle cyclically between two baths. Each cycle consists of two isothermal steps at different temperatures and two adiabatic steps connecting them. The system works in irreversible mode of operation even in the quasistatic regime. This is indicated by finite entropy production even in the large cycle time limit. Consequently, Carnot efficiency for heat engine or Carnot Co-efficient of performance (COP) for refrigerators are not achievable. We further analysed the phase diagram of heat engines and refrigerators. They are sensitive to time-asymmetry of the protocol. Phase diagram shows several interesting features, often counterintuitive. The distribution of stochastic efficiency and COP is broad and exhibits power law tails.In recent years a lot of interest has been generated in the study of stochastic single particle heat engines and refrigerators [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]. Engines at nanoscale are ubiquitous in biology [12,13,14] and become increasingly pertinent synthetically. With the progress of technology micrometer sized stochastic heat engines have been realised experimentally [15,16,17,18]. At these length scales thermal fluctuation plays a pivotal role in determining the performance characteristics of the system. Typical energy transformations (work and heat) in these systems are of the order of k B T , where T is the temperature of the surrounding reservoir.Therefore taking account of thermal fluctuations is an absolute necessity to achieve engineering capabilities in designing such small scale devices [19].The apt theory for the thermodynamics of small scale devices comes under the frame work of stochastic thermodynamics where the macroscopic thermodynamic variables (e.g. work, heat, total entropy, internal energy etc.) are defined over a single trajectory and thereby differs stochastically from one measurement to another [20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27]. Besides validating macro thermodynamics after averaging over all possible trajectories, the new frame work offers first law like equality defined over a single trajectory and fluctuation theorems [28,29,30,31,32,33], a set of equalities between stochastically varying thermodynamic variables that put rigorous constraints to their distributions.Using stochastic thermodynamics microscopic heat engines and refrigerators have been explored. Extensive studies including both quasistatic and nonquasistatic regime have been done on systems consisting of a harmonically trapped Brownian particle driven periodically (with period τ ) by the time dependent strength of the confining potential within two thermal reservers having different temperatures T h and T l where T h > T l [10,11]. The protocol studied in [10,11] consists of two isotherms having equal length along time axis (that is why the protocol can be termed as time-symmetric) and two adia...