Nevertheless, the nomenclature and classification of Macoma and its subordinate taxa remain unresolved. The present study provides a brief survey of the nomenclatorial history of the genus and type species; it also addresses the usage of Limicola Leach, 1852, Macroma as of Gray (1825) and others, and of Limecola, which has been recently revived as a valid genus by Huber et al. (2015: 290, 291, 737).Macoma and M. tenera: The generic name Macoma was published four times during 1819, firstly in the first edition of the book "A Voyage of Discovery…" together with a single species M. tenera (Leach, 1819: lxii) (here: 1819a) which thus becomes the type species by monotypy. The 1 st edition is authored by Ross. The genus and species in question, however, are described in Appendix II titled "List of invertebrate animals …; corrected by W. E. Leach" where he figures as the author of the genus Macoma but not specifically of tenera, in contrast to other species which he marked as "(new species)". Appendix IV by Leach (1819b: 175) of the 2 nd edition of the book essentially repeats the text of the 1 st edition.Because its title reads "Descriptions of the new species of animals … by Dr. W. E. Leach" (1819b: 169), however, the specific name tenera as well can be assumed to be authored by Leach (cf. Article 50.1.1 of the ICZN 1999: 52). The date of the original publication remains problematic, though, because the cover pages of both the 1 st and 2 nd edition only state the year 1819 lacking other hints in these volumes towards the month and day of their publication. But Leach (1819c: 462) published another version of his "Descriptions …" in the French Journal de Physique, de Chimie et d'Histoire Naturelle, vol. 88, in June 1819 and in which he referred to the 1 st edition of the "Voyages …" (Leach 1819c: 463; taxa described on p. 465) suggesting that the date of publication of the 1 st edition must be no later than the end of June 1819. Lending further support to this interpretation, a footnote in Leach (1819d: 201) indicates that the 2 nd edition was published contemporaneously or before end of September 1819. Based on this indirect evidence and Article 21.3.1 of the code (ICZN 1999: 22), it seems that the date of publication for Macoma and M. tenera must be deemed to be June 30, 1819. Concordantly with this interpretation, most later publications coincide with Macoma and M. tenera Leach, 1819. The type species, however, is usually considered a junior synonym of Tellina calcarea