After a period of more than ten years in which bacterial and algal community sizes were extremely small, a dense bloom of halophilic archaea developed in the upper 5-10 m of the Dead Sea water column in the summer of 1992 . The development of this bloom followed a dilution of the upper water layer by winter rainfloods, which enabled the development of a short-lived dense bloom of the unicellular green alga Dunaliella parva . The dense archaeal community (up to 3 .5 x 107 cells ml -1 in June 1992) imparted a red coloration to the Dead Sea, due to its high content of bacterioruberin . Bacteriorhodopsin was not detected . High levels of potential heterotrophic activity were associated with the bloom, as measured by the incorporation of labeled organic substrates . After the decline of the algal bloom, archaeal numbers in the lake decreased only little, and most of the community was still present at the end of 1993 . The amount of carotenoid pigment per cell, however, decreased 2-3-fold between