1989. Experimental investigations of the evolutionary significance of sexually dimorphic nuptial colouration in Gasterosteus aculeatus (L.): temporal changes in the structure of the male mosaic signal. Can. J. Zool. 67: 1767-1777. Although classically described as "red," the three-spined stickleback male's nuptial signal is a complex mosaic of at least three colours: blue eyes, black dorsal -lateral body, and red ventral -lateral body. Seven variables (intensity, hue, and distribution of red body colour; intensity and hue of blue eye colour; intensity and distribution of black body colour) were scored for 19 males across an entire breeding cycle. These variables interacted to produce four distinct male colour mosaic signals corresponding with the stage a male had reached in the breeding cycle. No single variable was sufficient for the delineation of all breeding stages: however, the distribution of red body colour reliably distinguished the courting male from nesting and parental males. Variability in signal intensity between courting males was greatest for the red component of the nuptial signal and both intra-and inter-male variability in the overall intensity of red was greatest during courtship. Based upon these results, future investigations of the role of intersexual selection in shaping the male nuptial signal in this species should offer females a choice between males differing in the intensity of red rather than the traditional "red" versus "nonred" dichotomy. MCLENNAN, D. A., et MCPHAIL, J. D. 1989. Experimental investigations of the evolutionary significance of sexually dimorphic nuptial colouration in Gasterosteus aculeatus (L.): temporal changes in the structure of the male mosaic signal. Can. J. Zool. 67 : 1767 -1777. Bien que la forme nuptiale du mile de 1 '~~i n o c h e a trois Cpines soit gknkralement qualifike de rouge D, sa coloration nuptiale est une mosalque complexe d'au moins trois teintes : yeux blues, portion dorsale -latCrale du corps noire et portion ventrale-latkrale du corps rouge. Sept variables (intensitk, teinte et rCpartition de la coloration rouge sur le corps; intensitk et teinte de la coloration bleue des yeux; intensitk et rkpartition de la coloration noire sur le corps) ont Ctk codkes chez 19poissons miles durant tout un cycle de reproduction. L'interaction de ces variables donne lieu quatre mosaiques distinctes chez les miles, correspondant chacune a un stade du cycle de la reproduction. Aucune des variables ne permet a elle seule de delimiter tous les stades de la reproduction; cependant, la rCpartition de la coloration rouge sur le corps permet de distinguer avec exactitude les miles courtisans des miles parentaux ou des miles en nidation. La variation dans l'intensitk du signal entre les miles courtisans se manfeste surtout dans le composante rouge du signal nuptial et la variabilitk de l'intensitk de la coloration rouge entre les miles, et entre deux pkriodes chez un m2me mile, est maximale durant la saison de la cour. Ces r6ultats nous portent a conclure qu'au cours d'C...