“…A lthough a sufficiently ch a ra c te ristic clinical p ic tu re of caro tid th ro m b o sis w as o u tlin ed b y vario u s a u th o rs (Egas M o n iz [26], Marinesco and K reindlcr [21], M iletti [24,25], Barré [1], K rayenbiihl [18], P aillas and Cristophe [28], Fisher [6,7], Johnson and W alker [15], M aksudov [20], Webster et al [40,41], Jacob arid P a p ilia n [12], Panter [29], Shm idt and D jibladze [35], Ionescu et al [14], D um a e t al. [5], Ionâsescu and Pelrovici [13], Stam atoiu et al [36] a n d others), diagnosis exclusively b ase d on clinical findings is still ra re ly m ade in cu rren t p ra c tic e an d in m o st cases clinicians ap p ly arte rio g ra p h y .…”