Acute carpal tunnel syndrome (ACTS) is commonly caused by repetitive strain, trauma, or inflammatory conditions. However, ACTS due to tophaceous gout is a clinical event that remains poorly understood and underreported. This rare manifestation necessitates prompt diagnosis and intervention to prevent irreversible complications.
A 51-year-old man who had poorly controlled hyperuricemia presented with ACTS secondary to tophaceous gout. Because of rapid symptom progression symptoms and severe median nerve compression within 3 mo, the patient underwent emergency decompression surgery for both wrists at different time points. Postoperatively, he exhibited complete recovery of sensory and motor functions, with no recurrence at long-term follow-up. Favorable outcomes were achieved through immediate decompression surgery, anti-inflammatory medications, postoperative active and passive range-of-motion exercises, and intermittent wrist splinting. Prompt diagnosis and surgical intervention, when necessary, are crucial for preventing long-term complications and obtaining favorable outcomes in patients with ACTS. An optimal gout management strategy involving pharmacologic therapy and lifestyle modifications may help minimize ACTS recurrence and improve clinical outcomes.
Prompt surgical intervention and optimal gout management are crucial for preventing irreversible nerve damage and ACTS recurrence.