RESUMOEste trabalho teve como principal objetivo determinar a concentração dos metais Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn na clorófita Ulva fasciata e na rodófita Gymnogongrus sp coletadas nas praias de Barra do Furado (22º 00' S; 41º 00' W) e Ponta do Retiro (21º 29' S, 41º 59' W), costa norte do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A rodófita Gymnogongrus sp apresentou uma alta capacidade para acumular os metais analizados em relação a U. fasciata em ambas as praias.
ABSTRACTThe main objective of this work was to determine the metal concentrations (Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) in the chlorophyta Ulva fasciata and in the rhodophyta Gymnogongrus sp collected at Barra do Furado (22º 00' S; 41º 00' W) and Ponta do Retiro (21º 29' S, 41º 59' W) beaches, northern coast of Rio de Janeiro. The rhodophyta Gymnogongrus sp showed higher capacity to accumulate the analyzed metals compared to U. fasciata at both beaches. The concentrations of Cr, Cu and Mn were higher at Barra do Furado, when compared with Ponta do Retiro. However, Fe and Zn showed higher values on Ponta do Retiro beach. In relation to temporal variation, Cr concentrations showed significant differences (p<0.05) along the year in both algae and studied areas. Highest Fe and Mn concentrations were observed from February 1999 to May 1999, while the lowest Cr and Zn values were found on Octuber 1998 and November 1998. The results indicate that the macroalgae Gymnogongrus sp as the best heavy metal biomonitoring tool since it is more abundant and showed higher metal concentrations in relation to Ulva fasciata.