Modern semiconductor optical devices can consist of a complex arrangement of several different semiconductor crystal layers. By further processing, the semiconductor structure is then shaped into the desired device geometry. Additional steps, such as planarization and contacting, are then required to yield the final usable device. Naturally, a complete microscopic description of the resulting object in all its degrees of freedom is not tractable. Therefore, a restriction to only few degrees of freedom is required, while still maintaining all necessary aspects determining the system behavior.In the theoretical description of quantum-dot semiconductor optical devices, this means a restriction to the active region, i.e., the parts where the light-matter interaction occurs, and the immediate surrounding matter. Since the optical interactions between the electric field and charge carriers (electrons and holes) are being considered, dynamic equations for these quantities must be derived.There exist theoretical models for quantum-dot lasers on varying levels of sophistication. Microscopic models that take into account the exact band structure and many-body interactions [1][2][3][4] can describe the complex energy structure of quantum dots very realistically, but these approaches are too complicated to be applied in dynamic problems. On the other hand, simple rate-equation models exist [5][6][7] that can be easily implemented and require little computation power, and often allow for analytical treatment. These models, however, are prone to oversimplification, possibly neglecting important aspects that would lead to different results. In between these two types of approaches there exist multi-rate equation models [8][9][10][11], that take into account the delicate energy structure of quantum-dot active media. These models offer a balance between complexity and practicability. In this spirit, we will develop a quantum-dot laser model that takes into account the most important effects needed to realistically describe the laser behavior, while still being simple enough for thorough dynamic studies.