Femtosecond electron diffraction was used to reveal the dynamics of laser induced melting in silicon. It is shown that at a fluence of 70 mJ/cm 2 diffraction peaks decay in 500 femtoseconds, indicating an electronically driven disorder. OCIS codes: (999.9999) Femtosecond Electron Diffraction; (320.2250) Femtosecond phenomena; (320.7130) Ultrafast processes in condensed matter, including semiconductors
Experimental Method and ResultsFemtosecond electron diffraction is a pump-probe technique in which pulses of electrons are used in transmission diffraction geometry to resolve photoinduced structural changes in a system of choice [1]. The temporal resolution of this kind of experiment is mainly determined by the duration of the electron pulses. In our setup, 300 fs time resolution is achieved through a compact gun design with minimal propagation distance between the photocathode and the sample to enable sufficient electron density pulses for near single shot structure determinations. The latter feature is essential for the study of nonreversible systems.The sample is a nanofabricated array of free-standing polycrystalline silicon membranes 50 nm in thickness. The pump pulse, centered at 387 nm, has sufficient photon energy for single photon absorption across the direct band gap of silicon. It has been proposed that above a certain excitation threshold disorder occurs non-thermally due to weakening of the covalent bonding [2] before the electronic energy dissipates thermally into the lattice through electron-phonon coupling. Recently, non-thermal collapse of the InSb lattice has been revealed by femtosecond X-ray diffraction [3].The silicon membranes were excited at an absorbed fluence of 70 mJ/cm 2 corresponding to a carrier density of 2.8×10 22 cm -3 , which is equivalent to 14% of the valence electrons. Diffraction images were taken before, during, and after excitation at a series of time delays. The combined amplitude of the (111), (220) and (311) peaks was found to decay in 500 fs. This decay was accompanied by an increase in the intensity of diffuse scattering occurring at a comparable time scale. The increase in diffuse scattering has contributions from both a loss of crystalline order and an increase in the lattice temperature.In our earlier work [4] we extracted a relaxation time constant of 2 ps at an excitation carrier density of 2.2×10 21 cm -3 , which is below the damage threshold. The faster decay at the higher excitation level cannot be explained by the thermal relaxation mechanisms which transfer heat from the hot carriers to the lattice at a time scale of a few ps. Instead, these much faster dynamics indicate that the process is electronic in nature. The lattice collapse could be attributed to a modification of the lattice potential due to the promotion of a large density of bonding electrons to the conduction band (internal electronic effects). More investigation is needed for better understanding of the mechanism and for a determination of a clear threshold between the thermal and non-thermal regim...