: 07-11-2014: 07-11- Aceptación: 11-07-2015 Abstract Introduction: feeding for sheep production in the tropics accounts from 48 to 90% of total production cost; additionally, the use of grains also makes producers dependent on the international market. Moderate weight gains in rams could be obtained with foliage from tropical trees; however, some plants such as Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis have compounds that could act as phytoestrogens, which could compromise its potential use as animal feed.Method: twelve Pelibuey rams, aged 24±3 months old, 45±6 kg live weight and a body condition score of 2.3±0.3 in a scale from 1 to 5, were assigned to one of two treatments for 45 days. T1 (n = 12), commercial feed (500 g d -1 by sheep) with 16% CP, and T2 (n = 12), 20% of H.rosasinensis (451 g DM kg MV ~ 1.6 kg d-1 per animal). Both treatments were supplemented with (Pennisetum purpureum x P. Typhoides var. grass. Parameters of semen quality were evaluated: ejaculate volume (Vol, mL) and concentration (EC, millions per mL) and eight individual motility parameters were used: curvilinear speed (VCL, µ/s), straight line velocity Calidad seminal en ovinos pelibuey con inclusión de Hibiscus rosa-sinensis en la dieta