Solitary fibrous tumor of the liver caudate lobeintroduction: Solitary fibrous tumor of the liver (SFTL) constitutes such a rare finding that it has been published only as case reports and to the present date there are only 45 cases published in English medical literature. This article describes the case of a patient treated at our institution with SFTL. case report: A male 59-years-old patient was diagnosed with a SFTL incidentally found in a computed abdominal tomography taken by another causes, tumor was originating from the caudate lobe. The patient was asymptomatic. At surgery, the tumor was observed originating directly from the caudate lobe through a pedicle measuring approximately 3 cm. The tumor was resected sectioning its implantation pedicle and ligating all arterial, venous and biliary vessels. The SFTL was well encapsulated, measured 15 x 9 x 6 cm and weighted 794 g. The histological diagnosis was a SFTL and was confirmed by immunohistochemistry with monoclonal antibodies that reacted positively to CD34 and vimentin and negatively to CD117, S100, smooth-muscle α-actin and desmin. conclusions: SFTL is an uncommon tumor. The present case is the first reported in Chilean medical literature and presented all the habitually described radiologic, surgical and pathological characteristics.