Résumé Co n t exte : La formation des futurs médecins doit pre n d re en compte la portée éthique, socio-enviro n n e m e n-
Les objectifs pédagogiques spécifiques des ARPc sont l' a p p roche de la complexité contextuelle de toute pratique médicale et l'initiation au tra vail pluridisciplinaire. Résultats : Les pre m i è re s p ro c é d u res d' é valuation qualitatives ciblant étudiants et enseignants donnent des résultats assez favo rables. Conclusion : L'expérience est poursuivie moyennant quelques aménagements organisationnels mineurs. Elle s' o u v re à d' a u t res disciplines médicales et fait l'objet d'une évaluation quantitative à publier ultérieure m e n t .Mot clés Formation médicale prégraduée ; apprentissage par problèmes ; complexité ; pluridisciplinarité ; é valuation.
Ab s t ract Co n t ext: Medical student education has to take into account the ethical, socio-environmental, economical, legal and psychological significance of medical practice as well as its multidisciplinary context. As part of the re f o rm in the medical school curriculum which has been decided at the Un i versity of Liège, a particular modality of problem-based learning has been developed, the so-called complex problem solving learning (ARPc in French abbreviation). Goals: T h e authors present concrete examples and re p o rt the methodology which has been followed during the establishment of ARPc as well as the first analysis of a qualitative evaluation. Subject: The plan of action has been developed in the two last ye a r s of the medical school. The specific pedagogic objectives are the approach of the contextual complexity as seen in any medical practice as well as the introduction to a multidisciplinary practice. Results: The first qualitative evaluation pro c e d u re s display favo u rable results. Co n c l u s i o n : The experience continues with a few minor organisational modifications and it opens itself to others medical matters. A more quantitative evaluation will be published later.Key words Undergraduate medical education; problem based learning; complexity; multidisciplinarity; Article disponible sur le site