@+vKthl 1998. SOC~[Y of Petroleum Engineers, IncThis paper was prepared for presenlalicm 81 me SP13SRM Eurock .98 held in Trondheim, Norway, &10 July 1998 'Ms paper was selected for presenmlicm by en SPE Prcgram CommiNea following retiew of Infonnawm contained in an abstract sulvnltlad by the author(s), Contents 01 the paper, as pmsanted, hava not been !Wiewed by the Society of Pelroleum Engineers and are subject 10 mmcfi.M by the author(s). The matetial, as presented, does not necessarily reffect any positim of the !3ciely of Pelmleum Engineam, its officers, or members. Papers pm.$ented at SPE meetings am subject 10 publication mvlew by Editodal Ccxnmitte.as of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Eleclrcnic raproduclion, dlstnbutmn, of storage of any part of this paper la commercial purposes withcut Ihe written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is pmhlblted. PermlsslmI to mpmduce m pflnt is restricted to an abslmct of not mom than 300 v?m% ilfustraths may not be coplacf The abstract must ccmtain conspicuous acknowledgment of where art-dby whom tlw paper was presented, Write Ubm,rian, SPE, P.0, SCM033826, Riiardson, TX 751YJ3.3K?4, U. S.A.. fax 01-972 -952 -943S,
AbstractEarly efforts to driII wells in a gas field north of Bali Island, a tectonic region in Indonesia, were hampered by high costs associated with wellbore instabilities.In the recently completed late-phase development program, drilling eftlciencies and costs were improved with a strategy that included a rmk mechanics program, mud optimization, and batch &lIling. Wellbore instabilities occurred in the Ngimbang Shale, a hard, brittle, anisotropic formation, that is highly stressed. Field measurements of stresses, coupled with laboratory measurements of strength, demonstrated the presence of elevated horizontal stresses. The computed safe mud densities for weI1bore elastic stability ranged from 10 to 15 ppg, depending on location, well azimuth, hnd deviation. High mud densities did not necessarily alleviate instability, as indicated by stability-days, a method of tracking the stabletime periods of each well. Drilling-time and costs were also improved with the adoption of a synthetic mud system, a batch drilling schedule, and sound field engineering.Cost savings were substantial, and the wells are now in production.