Autoimmune encephalitis includes a heterogeneous group of rare and complex diseases, usually presenting with severe and disabling symptoms, such as behavioral changes, cognitive deficits, and seizures.
This report presents the case of a 26-year-old man who was diagnosed with autoimmune encephalitis following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination (<40 days). Symptoms first appeared in February 2022 with a temporal seizure, associated with confusion and memory loss. Psychiatric manifestations such as disorientation and altered thought contents emerged soon after.
Neuroimaging testing showed signs of hypometabolism in occipital, prefrontal, and temporal regions, whereas an extensive neuropsychological assessment revealed the presence of multiple alterations in memory, executive, and visuoconstructive processes.
In this case, a combination of neuroimaging testing, psychiatric evaluation, and neuropsychological assessment provided evidence for a diagnosis of autoimmune encephalitis post-vaccination. Early recognition is essential in order to prevent clinical progression; avoid intractable epilepsy, brain atrophy, and cognitive impairment; and improve prognosis.