The present situation in ECBS as a whole and especially the process of software production are still characterized by heuristic and individual solutions with high costs for development and little robustness of the products. Especially software development and production is more understood as an art and not as a precise engineering process. As a consequence such processes do often not end with the required systems and do not produce reusable components. As a whole one observes that an accepted foundation and understanding of ECBS as a general rigid engineering process towards computer based systems (CBS) in which software production is embedded is not available so far. That's why the IEEE TC on ECBS works since several year on solutions to overcome these deficits.The main goal of the work of the IEEE TC on ECBS is directed to the development and the foundation of precise frameworks which guide all engineering steps and the associated products to be produced for the life cycle of CBS. The application of the frameworks in practice within the frame of projects towards CBS must lead to the required systems and its operation and meet all functional and non-functional requirements.
Visions for the Market and Conceptions for
ProductsThe ECBS initiative has matured and represents today the major driver towards a harmonized umbrella methodology for the overall process planning towards the life cycle for CBS with the associated system-development, -procurement,operation and -maintenance including -recycling and towards a harmonized umbrella for infrastructures which include information-logistics about ECBS, hard-and software components reusable as building blocks for CBS integration and tools to support the various ECB S processes and towards a harmonized umbrella for overall ECBS education and training. Fig. 1 illustrates the ECBS process which is based on associated infrastructures and assures that given problems with which ECBS cope can be solved by developing and procuring the required CBS and associated products. Fig.2 illustrates in more details, the states and deficits the infrastructures which are needed for ECBS.