The production of sulfate in cloud droplets, and the attendant depletion of sulfur dioxide (SO2) oxidants were studied in wintertime orographic clouds over southeastern Wyoming. By periodic (5-20 min) releases of SO 2 into the cloud the mixing ratio of SO 2 was raised to about double its background value of 0.7 parts per billion by volume (ppbv). Average values of the in-cloud reaction time, pseudo-firstorder SO 2 reaction rate, and hydrogen peroxide (H202)depletion were 400 s, 2.3 x 10 '4 s 'l, and 0.04 ppbv, respectively. The measured sulfate yields and H20 2 depletions show that H202 is the dominant oxidant for SO 2 in this situation; this finding is consistent with model results. Model simulations reveal that the O2/SO 2 reaction pathway (catalyzed by Mn(II) and Fe(III)) was competitive with the H202/802 reaction pathway on one out of the nine observation days. Organohydroperoxides were not depleted and other modeled reaction pathways (O3/SO 2 and HCHO/SO2) were inferred to be inhibited due to either the chemical (pH < 4.7) or physical (temperature below -5 øC, cloud water content less than 0.3 cm 3 m '3) properties of the cloud. The agreement found in this work between observed and predicted properties of the H202/SO2/H20 system contrasts with the work of Chandler et al. (1988a, b, 1989) and Gallagher et al. (1990) who observe a factor of 3 or larger discrepancy between laboratory and field measurements of the H202/802 reaction rate. 10-100 times shorter. Therefore in-cloud reactions constitute a major factor for regional and for global removal of SO 2. The quoted range of in-cloud lifetimes is based on laboratory kinetic investigations of the hydrogen peroxide (H202) and ozone (03) reactions with sulfur in the +4 oxidation state (S(IV)) [Hoffmann and Calvert, 1985; Hoffmann, 1986] and on data obtained in field studies [Hegg and Hobbs, 1982; Gervat et al., 1988]. However, there are important uncertainties in these values. Model calculations based on field observations conducted in northem England [Chandler et al., 1988a, b, 1989; Gallagher et al., 1990] suggest that the H202-S(IV ) reaction rate constants determined either using purified water (Hoffmann and Calvert, 1985] or using authentic precipitation samples [Lee et al., 1986] are a factor of 3-10 too low. The field studies themselves involve important uncertainties, mostly in regard to measurements of the depletion of H202. A small number of simultaneous measurements of sulfate production and of H202 depletion were obtained in experiments conducted at Great Dun Fell in the United Kingdom [Chandler et al., 1989; Clark et al., 1990; Gallagher et al., 1990]. Such data are essential if the field experiments are to be compared reliably with laboratory data and if they are to lead to identification of the dominant reaction pathways for SO 2. This information is necessary for reliable assessments of how changes in SO 2 emissions will affect sulfuric acid deposition. To help clarify the questions just discussed, studies of SO 2 oxidation to sulfate have been co...