With the introduction of safe and effective factor VIII/IX-bypassing agents--recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa) and plasma-derived activated prothrombin complex concentrates (pd-APCC)--elective orthopaedic surgery (EOS) is a viable option for haemophilia patients with inhibitors. We report a series of patients with haemophilia and inhibitors undergoing EOS between 1997 and 2008 using bypassing agents to provide haemostatic cover. All inhibitor patients undergoing EOS and receiving rFVIIa, plasma-derived prothrombin complex concentrates (pd-PCC) or pd-APCC as haemostatic cover were included. Patients were operated on by the same surgeon and were managed by the same haemophilia treatment centre. Forty procedures (25 minor and 15 major) were conducted in 18 patients. Twenty-one minor cases were covered using rFVIIa, three with pd-PCC, and one with pd-APCC; all major cases were covered using rFVIIa. Bleeding was no greater than expected compared with a non-haemophilic population in all 25 minor procedures. In the major procedure group, there was no excessive bleeding in 40% of cases (6/15) and bleeding completely stopped in response to rFVIIa. For the remaining nine cases, bleeding response to rFVIIa was described as 'markedly decreased' or 'decreased' in 4/15 cases and 'unchanged' in 5/15 cases. Overall, efficacy of rFVIIa, based on final patient outcome, was 85%. One death occurred as a result of sepsis secondary to necrotizing fasciitis. Good control of haemostasis can be achieved with bypassing agents in haemophilia patients with inhibitors undergoing minor EOS; rFVIIa was used as an effective bypassing agent, enabling EOS in patients undergoing minor and major procedures.