Conventional drilling methods have been plagued with huge operational and financial challenges, such as cost of purchasing, inspecting, handling, transporting the drill equipment and most importantly, tripping in-and-out of the drill string whenever the Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) needs a replacement, needs of wiper trip or when total depth is reached. The tripping in-and-out of the drill string not only contributes to Non Productive Time (NPT) but also leads to well control difficulties including wellbore instability and lost circulation. All this has led Oil and Gas industry, as well as any other engineering industry, to seek for new ways and methods in order to reduce these problems. Thanks to the advances in technical solutions and constant improvements of conventional drilling methods, a new drilling method -casing while drilling has been developed. Casing Drilling encompasses the process of simultaneously drilling and casing a well, using the active casing and thus optimizes the production. This paper presents a review of casing while drilling method (CwD) and its practical usage in drilling wells. The comparison of conventional drilling method and casing while drilling is also presented. The CwD method achieves significantly better results than conventional drilling method. Keywords: casing, drilling, CwD, application Apstrakt: Konvencionalne metode bušenja se suočavaju sa raznim operativnim i finansijskim izazovima poput troškova nabavke, inspekcije, održavanja i transporta opreme za bušenje, a najviše sa konstantnim manevrom bušaćeg alata bilo da je potrebno da se proradi izbušeni interval, da se zameni kompozicija teškog alata ili po dostizanju konačne dubine bušotine. Konstantan manevar bušaćeg alata doprinosi ne samo povećanju neproduktivnog vremena već i poteškoćama prilikom bušenja, ukljućujući i nestabilnost kanala bušotine kao i gubitak cirkulacije. Svi navedeni problemi doveli su do razvoja novih rešenja i metoda među kojima se posebno istakla nova metoda bušenja -metoda bušenja kolonom zaštitnih cevi (casing while drilling). Casing while drilling metoda objedinjuje proces bušenja i cementacije bušotina i na taj način rešava probleme konvencionalnog bušenja. Ovaj rad opisuje novu metodu bušenja pomoću kolone zaštitnih cevi -casing while drilling (CwD) kao i njenu praktičnu primenu u procesu bušenja. Izvršeno je poređenje konvencionalne metode bušenja i CwD metode i iz svih opisanih studija slučaja ustanovljeno je da CwD metoda pruža bolje performanse od konvencionalnog bušenja.