While the phenomenon of nostalgic heritage travel has gained traction, scarce inquiries have researched how nostalgia for heritage sites can render a means for heritage preservation. This inquiry utilized a multi-method qualitative design, with Study 1 inferring nostalgic heritage travel motivations from travel experiences documented in online travel diaries. Study 2 adopted the psychological ownership theory with data originating from semi-structured interviews to construct a nostalgia-induced framework of reciprocity between psychological ownership and heritage preservation. Findings first unveil an array of nostalgic heritage travel motives ranging from nostalgic reminiscing and glorification to nostalgia-induced playfulness and healing. Further, findings point to a reciprocal pattern of psychological ownership–heritage preservation fostered by three routes: exercise of control, intimate knowing, and investment of the self. Together, this research illuminates a past–present–future synthesis of self–place relations. It presents the concept of reciprocity driven by nostalgia to increase understanding of heritage preservation.