were not affected in the absence of functional ST2 pathway, the local expression of ICAM-1, CXCR3, and LT-α, crucial for ECM development, was strongly reduced, and this may explain the diminished pathogenic T-cell recruitment and resistance to ECM. Therefore, IL-33 is induced in PbA sporozoite infection, and the pathogenic T-cell responses with local microvascular pathology are dependent on IL-33/ST2 signaling, identifying IL-33 as a new actor in ECM development.
Keywords:Experimental cerebral malaria r IL-33 r Plasmodium berghei ANKA r Sporozoite r ST2Additional supporting information may be found in the online version of this article at the publisher's web-site
IntroductionMalaria is the most common parasitosis in the world, leading to around 650 000 deaths in 2012, especially African children [1]. Plasmodium falciparum is responsible for the major and oftenCorrespondence: Dr. Valérie F. J. Quesniaux e-mail: quesniaux@cnrs-orleans.fr fatal cerebral malaria complication [2]. The pathophysiology of cerebral malaria, which remains poorly understood, is associated with microvessel obstruction and excessive inflammation in the brain. Indeed, studies in humans and mice have shown that cerebral malaria correlates with the sequestration of RBCs, * These authors contributed equally to this work. The contribution of the innate response in ECM development has remained more elusive. Indeed, although MyD88-deficient mice show protection against ECM upon PbA sporozoite infection ([11] and our unpublished data), little contribution of the TLRs pathways was reported [12,13]. MyD88 adaptor is also used by receptors of the IL-1 family, but both IL-1β and IL-18 seem dispensable for induction of ECM [11]. MyD88 is further shared by more recently characterized members of the IL-1 family such as IL-33 and IL-36. We were interested in studying the implication of IL-33, a modulator of T H 2 responses, in ECM development since the T H 1/T H 2 balance has been shown to modulate ECM [10,14]. IL-33, essential in innate and epithelial immune response [15,16], activates T H 2 T-cell differentiation and release of T H 2 cytokines and chemokines. IL-33 is overexpressed in clinical or experimental visceral leishmaniasis and it suppresses T H 1 responses in mice infected with Leishmania donovani [17]. IL-33 levels are increased in the plasma of infants with severe malaria, as compared with infection-free controls [18]. In addition, IL-33 has been associated with some cerebral diseases. IL-33 is implicated in Toxoplasma gondii induced encephalitis in mice, and was shown to attenuate EAE by suppressing IL-17 and IFN-γ production [19,20]. IL-33 is expressed within CNS by brain endothelial cells and astrocytes, LPS upregulating IL-33 expression by astrocytes [21]. In view of IL-33 implication in CNS pathologies and its role in modulating the T H 2/T H 1 balance, we investigated the role of IL-33 pathway in ECM development.Here, ECM development in response to PbA infection was investigated in mice deficient for IL-33 receptor, ST2. We show that br...