The effect of dexrazoxane on monoclonal antibody (Mab) production by CC9C10 hybridoma cells was investigated. Dexrazoxane is a catalytic inhibitor of DNA topoisomerase II. DNA topoisomerase II has a critical role in DNA metabolism and its inhibition by dexrazoxane can prevent completion of cytokinesis. Incubation of hybridomas with dexrazoxane was found to increase specific monoclonal antibody production by up to four-fold. However, due to the growth inhibitory effects of dexrazoxane the total Mab yield decreased by 40%. Under high density culture conditions(defined here as 10(6) cells ml(-1)) specific monoclonal antibody production increased by up to 37%, which was, however, accompanied by up to a 48% decrease in Mab yield. Hybridomasthat were incubated with dexrazoxane significantly increased in size due to the inhibition of cytokinesis. Dexrazoxane was also observed to induce a delayed apoptosis in the hybridomas. The caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-fmk slightly decreased the apoptotic effects of dexrazoxane. Preincubation with the caspase inhibitorZ-Asp-CH2-DCB had no effect on dexrazoxane-treated hybridomas, but it did have antiapoptotic effects on the untreated hybridomas which normally undergo a significant basal level of apoptosis. In conclusion, dexrazoxane-induced growth inhibition (which results in higher specific antibody production) and apoptosis inhibition (which results in prolonged viability) has the potential to significantly enhance the productivity of hybridoma cell cultures.