The importance of whistler-mode chorus in locally accelerating electrons is well known at the Earth (Horne et al., 2005;Reeves et al., 2013) and has recently been found to be important at Jupiter and Saturn (Horne et al., 2008;Woodfield et al., 2014Woodfield et al., , 2019. Whilst chorus is a plasma wave observed in discrete rising or falling tones observed in two frequency bands separated by half the electron gyrofrequency (Li et al., 2011), whistler-mode hiss is a broadband emission at the lower end of the whistler-mode frequency range (10 Hz to several kilohertz; Li et al., 2015) which occurs in the high density plasmasphere (Meredith et al., 2018;Hartley et al., 2018). At the Earth hiss waves are well known for scattering electrons from the radiation belts into the atmosphere and are thought to be a source of diffuse aurora (Thorne, 2010;Li et al., 2015). Since hiss does not accelerate electrons in the terrestrial environment it has never been considered as a candidate for acceleration in planetary magnetospheres. However, the presence of very low density regions at Saturn coincident with observed hiss waves are highly likely to produce significant electron acceleration in a similar manner to chorus waves (Woodfield et al., 2019). This work assesses the effect of hiss on electrons at Saturn for the first time.Hiss is observed at Saturn (Menietti et al., 2019(Menietti et al., , 2020 in the form of diffuse emissions and also as the funnel shaped auroral hiss. Auroral hiss can be found near the footprints of field aligned currents, plasma injections, reconnected field lines, and field lines that connect to the moons, for example,