Metallic foams are the materials, the research of which is still ongoing, with a broad applicability in many different areas (e.g., automotive industry, building industry, medicine, etc.). These materials have interesting potentials due to a combination of properties, which are, on the one hand, related to their metallic character and, on the other hand, to the porous structure. Since the discovery of porous metallic materials numerous methods of production have been developed. This work deals with the optimization of the foundry method for the manufacture of metallic foams using the evaporable polymeric pattern. This technology was used for the manufacture of metallic foams with an irregular cell structure and with fully open pores. Attention, in the experimental part, is devoted particularly to the chosen moulding material -plaster. We checked the suitably of the proposed procedure of manufacturing a plaster mould, the drying process and the subsequent annealing that significantly influence the final properties of the mould and, therefore, the quality of the resulting casting of the metallic foam. Keywords: metallic foams, casting, irregular cell structure, plaster, annealing Kovinske pene so materiali, ki se {e preiskujejo in imajo {iroko podro~je uporabnosti na razli~nih podro~jih (npr. avtomobilska industrija, gradbena industrija, medicina in podobno). Ti materiali so perspektivni zaradi kombinacije lastnosti, ki imajo po eni strani kovinske lastnosti, po drugi pa porozno strukturo. Od odkritja poroznih kovinskih materialov so se razvile {tevilne metode njihove izdelave. Delo obravnava optimizacijo livarske metode izdelave kovinske pene z uporabo izparljivega polimernega modela. Ta tehnologija je bila uporabljena za izdelavo kovinske pene z nepravilno celi~no strukturo in popolnoma odprtimi porami. V eksperimentalnem delu je pozornost usmerjena v izbiro mavca kot materiala za model. Preverjen je bil predlagani postopek izdelave mav~nega modela, postopka su{enja in`arjenja, ki imajo najve~ji vpliv na kon~ne lastnosti modela in na kvaliteto ulivanja kovinske pene.